Racers Who Care use personal examples drawn from their personal experiences with negotiating barricades and potholes in the School of Hard Knocks on the road to Winner’s Circle, as a pathway to inviting children and teens to explore positive ways to define, seek and achieve personal dreams, aims and goals and to realize the importance of accountability to themselves and others. One concept often discussed is the importance of Learning the Art of Teamwork:
Racers Who Care’s goal as an organization has consistently been to provide a highly organized, professionally operated venue through which professional drivers and riders may be positive role models for young people, primarily in the area of pointing out and encouraging utilization of key life skills.
Young people are being encouraged by racing celebrities “who have been there” in the arena of struggling to reach success in life, then dealing with success positively when it arrives, to realize that they count, that they can achieve dreams and goals in life, and can succeed and be happy.
The Racers Who Care Quick Tips on Winning in Life racer presentation program has consistently followed these guidelines:
► To encourage children and youth to believe in themselves and to reach for their dreams.
► To instill personal awareness, self-worth, and positive ethics.
► To encourage elements of goal setting and following through with ideas.
► To show how racers and celebrities made their dreams become realities and encouraging children and young people how to incorporate these strategies into their own individual personal reality and growth.
When funded to do so, RWC plans to expand its activities throughout the worldwide motorsports industry. Already, many presentations have taken place in Canada and are expanding to England.
With total outside funding of less than $100,000 from its inception, RWC has been active for over twenty-five years, very successfully establishing a positive presence throughout the American motorsports industry. THINK WHAT WE COULD DO WITH SEVERAL HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS!!!!. Future plans include building a much higher profile in Southern California, both through RWC’s own events and with becoming more involved in area civic, charitable and entertainment-related events.
We very cordially invite you to join us as a donor, sponsor, presenter or volunteer – with your valued assistance our outreach will multiply very quickly!